Sunday, October 10, 2004

Second batch of photos

Earlier in the week I asked you all to tell me which photos you'd me like to take with my camera and post up here. Little parts of my life you might like to see. This will be the second set of photos. So far we have seen my bathroom, the view outside my front door, a neighbourhood celebrity, and the tallest man in the world. What treats lay in store today? Let's have a look! As before, click the photos to see bigger versions.

Photo #5
Bertie asked for "Cat". Yes, this is a man for whom sentences rarely happen. But I can fulfill the request anyway:

After I'd taken some rubbish out yesterday, next door's cat followed me back into the flat and perched on my sofa. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, I quickly whipped out my camera and shot the photo. He's a perky little pussycat! I have a feeling that he wasn't just after my companionship though. He was aware that I had recently had a swimming pool installed in my living room, and he was just trying to get hold of one of the fish that are currently swimming in it. I was not going to let him do this, so after I'd taken the photo I shooed the cat back outside and placed the cover over the pool to stop the desirious fishy odour from reaching his catty nostrils any more.

Earlier in the day I had moved my sofa forward from where it normally sits in order to set out my sclaextric set. Whooosh! Zooooom! go the cars. Next time however I'll put it further from the water - I lost two cars in there yesterday!

Photo #6
Badfriend asked for "The first person to leave a comment on your next post". This turned out to be Maine with the following comment: "As the first person to comment on this post, I demand to have my special picture taken!". Well, I think "demand" is a bit on the forceful side, but here's the photo anyway:

Now Maine normally lives in the American land, and so it was quite fortuitous that I was able to get this photo. As I was walking up The Leeman Road with a bag of groceries, I spied a solitary figure busking outside the trade entrance of the National Railway Museum. Imagine my surprise when I recognised the busker to be none other than Maine himself! Apparently he'd won a trip to the train museum from a competition on the back of a cereal packet and had flown over just that day! I couldn't stay and chat unfortunately as my shopping was heavy. Hopefully he made a few pounds from the busking - there weren't many people around when I was passing!

Incidentally, if you look carefully where the road bends round behind the museum, you should just be able to make out one of them bears, heading up towards where my flat is. Luckily there was no sign of him later. He must have spied a picnic basket and gone chasing after it.

Photo #7
Maine requested to see "A fish, spontaneously catching fire". Tricky! It's hard to have the camera ready to witness such a spontaneous moment. So I cheated a little bit and decided to help things on their way somewhat:

I lit a candle on the table next to my fish-tank, and chose one of the two fish within to help me with the photo. Then I held the fish above the candle until it started to smoulder. This photo captures the instant just prior to the actual moment when Turlough caught fire - best I could do, I'm afraid.

If you're wondering why my Buffy calendar still says 2003, that's because I never got round to buying a calendar this year.

And that will have to be the last photo, as I have completely run out of film. Maybe we'll do this again sometime.

The authour would like to point out that no animals were harmed during the writing of this post. Apart from the fish that he burnt.


Agent 31 said...

Although I have absolutely no idea what busking is, I'd like to believe that I'd be an awesome busker. I could probably out-busk a world champion busk person.

Lint said...

You might know busking better under the name "playing one's instruments in the street whilst also possibly singing".