Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Why, sometimes, India is closer than London

I'm marking actuarial exams at the moment. Actually right now whilst I'm writing this. Since the UK exams are taken all over the world, I get scripts sent to me from all over the world. I have all the ones I should have at the moment, except for one batch. I have scripts from India, scripts from Sri Lanka, and scripts from Ireland. Where is the late batch from? South London.

How on Earth does it take 3 or 4 days longer to send me a package from London to here, than from India to here? I can see why offshoring is so popular - it must hugely reduce communication delays compared to having two offices in two parts of the UK!

I can only assume that the London scripts are being sent to me by snail mail using actual snails. Trained snails, obviously, with giant shells that you can store packages in. And a little door in the side of the shell so that you can move things in and out easily without you having to touch the slimy bit.


Chip said...

My Australian Open tickets arrived today, from Australia. 6 days, and that was by non-courier post.

Perhaps South London is classed as overseas - Scotland used to be for some postal services (I'm not kidding here!)

Bertworld said...

Have you been reading Dr Dolittle recently?? He had a gaint sea snail that he could travel inside of. or maybe this was just my imagination, coming away from meeee, it was just my imagination..., (or no a motown moment there!)

Lint said...

I remember the sea snail from the film. It was a very big sea snail!

Altogether now:
"If we could talk to the animals, learn their languages, maybe take an animal degree..."

Bertworld said...

If we could walk with the animals, talk with the animals, grunt and squeak and squawk with the animals,
And they could squeak and squawk and speak and talk to me.