Saturday, October 02, 2004

Neighbours, everybody needs good neighbours...

Lasy night I met a chap that lives in my flats. Not on purpose, he was just out for a guy from work's leaving drinks. It turns out that flat chap not only lives near me, but works for the same company too.

It was a bit odd - we have passed each other in the street many times, and normally just give a small nod of acknowledgement - maybe a smile if we're in a good mood. Just something to say "Hi - I know that you live near me and have no idea who I am other than that, but I'm polite and so are you, so I hereby recognise all this and nod at you".

We could in fact potentially have left it at that, but after a few beers we had a proper conversation. Or at least what passes for a proper convesation when half of it involves me. We may now have moved from nodding to "hello!"s.

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