Monday, October 11, 2004

No cities left

File this one under "more great song titles that I wish I'd named my song what I wrote".

From the new album by The Dears: "Who are you, Defenders of the Universe?", "Expect the worst/'Cos she's a tourist" and "22: The Death of all Romance". I haven't been able to listen to the album yet, so I can only hope that it lives up to the titles. Certainly I can say that track one is awesome.

Whilst I'm here, can I just point out that yesterday's photo of Turlough being set on fire makes a fantastic wallpaper.

1 comment:

G-Fry said...

One of my favorite song titles is from a small band named Saosin. The song is called "They Perched On Their Stilts, Pointing And Daring Me To Break Custom".

That's cool, yo.