Friday, October 15, 2004

Time for bed

Here I am, late on Friday night. Nothing in particular that needs saying or writing. My state of soberness is somewhere over to the right hand side of any standard Cartesian coordinate syatem. The sofa looks like a comfy place to sleep, but I have an even comfier bed just a few metres away. Each of these places to lie is emptier than I'd wish. My life is emptier than I'd wish.

Ha ha ha. I think I'm just joking.

To sleep alone or to not sleep alone: that is the question. Let's just assume that we're putting the emphasis on sleep here, rather than anything else that two (or more) consenting adults may get up to in a bed environment. Sleeping alone has many advantages over sleeping with someone else. The top three advantages of sleeping alone are:

1. You can do a total diagonal sleep thing. Get into bed, don't worry about where you stick your arms, legs, or other limbs. Hey, lie like a starfish if it takes your fancy.
2. If you want to get up in the night and have a walk around, grab a glass of water, play a CD, maybe watch a film, you can do it! Nobody'll stop you, you can watch the entire Indiana Jones triology every night after bedtime if it takes your fancy.
3. You can pass as much wind as you like, all through the night. Not constantly, obviously - that would tend to imply you had a serious bowel problem.

Some might argue that with reasons like that to sleep alone, why would anybody choose any other way?

It's time for me to go to bed now.

1 comment:

Tsuki said...

You missed the best reason for sleeping alone:
Nobody ever steals the covers!

(Ok, so that's normally me, sorry Dom!)