Tuesday, October 26, 2004

John Peel RIP

Some days I unfortunately don't need to think too hard about what to write about. Because sometimes something just hits you hard.

John Peel died today.

I've listened to his radio shows for many, many years, and even aged 65 he was still playing better music than the majority of DJ's out there. OK, some of it was shit too, but that didn't really matter. Listening to his show, you'd always hear something new, and maybe something good too. It was John that introduced me to Hefner, Cinerama, The Crimea, and they're just three that popped into my mind without thinking much.

I couldn't count the number of times that his voice was the last one I heard before falling asleep at night. It's hard to believe that that won't happen again.

I'd like to write more, but I'm actually quite upset, so I'll leave it here.

He will be much missed.

1 comment:

asyl076 said...

Nice tribute to him found here:
