Tuesday, October 12, 2004

May you live in interesting times...

At work today we will see the new departmental structure for the first time, and more interestingly, find out how the roles are going to be filled. I'm expecting it to be a mixture of some people being ringfenced, and staying doing what they currently do, and the rest being put into pools from which they will be able to apply for roles within areas of the stucture (rather than being able to apply for absolutely anything). But I might be wrong on this, I'm pretty much guessing.

Nervous isn't really the right word. Actually it's completely the wrong word. It's more Antici...pation (as they say in Rocky Horror). It's like waiting for the results of a maths exam which you know you've stormed. Or waiting for someone to pick you up in a car from your flat and they're running slightly late so you can't really do anything until they turn up. You can't even go to the toilet because you know that they'll choose that moment to turn up, ring your bell, not get an answer and leave. So instead you just hang around and hope you don't start to form a puddle. Or worse.

Yes that is what it's like. The main difference is that (for now at least) I can go and relieve myself as often as I like.

Strange thing is that I'm really not sure whether I'd prefer to be ringfenced or pooled. Obviously the former gives a certain amount of security, but the latter gives potentially new opportunities and the chance to try something different. But that ain't my decision, so there's not much point doing anything except having the bacon sandwich I intend to pick up when I get to work.

So anyway, at 10am this morning we all sit down on the sofas and listen for the voice of Big Brother...


Bertworld said...

You'll have to let me know the news. I'm sure you'll be down the pub bitching after work.

Lint said...

I'd like to point out that there is no redundancy package since nobody in actuarial is being made redundant. Including me.