Saturday, October 30, 2004

Scary Dressing Up

Tomorrow night it is Halloween. Night of witches and demons and ghoulies and vampires.

Tonight I am going to a Halloween party. It's a little early, but you can't do these things as well on a Sunday night, at least not if you have a job to go to on the Monday.

I think this is only the second such party I've ever been to. The first was around seven years ago (possibly exactly seven years ago) in Norwich. Like all good parties, it was fancy dress, so I went as Ash from the Evil Dead films. Specifically, as he appears in "Army of Darkness: The Medieval Dead", which is an utterly great film.

"See this? This is my Boom-stick!"

That time, I'd made myself a chainsaw and a shotgun, both of which were pretty impressive. They were my first foray into the realm of cardboard weaponry. Although, sadly, the shotgun does not exist any more, I do still have the chainsaw. Like in the film, it was designed to fit over the stub at the end of my arm where I used to have a hand. I actually did have a hand there as well, I wasn't going to do that degree of attention to detail, but you couldn't see it when the chainsaw was being worn.


Since it was mostly constructed from cardboard, there is a slight problem with blade stiffness.

The shotgun looked more realistic. I was quite nervous around carrying it around town so I put it inside my guitar case and carried that instead. I understood why the bad buys all do that in films.

Tonight's party has a slightly more specific theme: Buffy (and Angel). So I am reusing my Buffy costume from the Summer. I have reupholstered my breasts to make them a little perkier - last time I got many complaints about droopiness. I expect this time people will complain that my eyebrows don't match my lovely blonde hair or something. People are never happy.


Jimbobjo said...

I'm amazed that you still have a cardboard weapon that you built seven years ago!

Lint said...

LA - see here for an article from The Guardian this week on Halloween in the UK.