Saturday, October 23, 2004

That sudden feeling of misery :-)

Do you ever go out, have a good time, and then for no particular good reason find that your mind has decided to go all maudlin on you? Rather than being out you'd rather just be alone somewhere with a glass of whisky and a comfy pillow? Eventually the feeling goes away, and you may enjoy the remainder of the evening. For today at least. Maybe it's just me.

At such a time, should you...
a) Cry and hide in a corner.
b) Cry and hide in the toilets.
c) Dance your cares away, worry's for another day.
d) Have another beer until you feel better.
e) Wait until tomorrow. Repeat.

I think d) works well.

1 comment:

Sarum said...

It's possibly related to my sober-ness and general social ineptitude, but usually I find "going out" (social occasions of any kind really, but especially those centred around drinking) fairly stressful, occasionally depressing, and not at all relaxing.

A great many things while "out" serve to remind me just how useless at it I am. Often they also remind me how very single I am too. It's nothing to do with the company, the people I go out with from work are a great bunch, and I'm happier with them than I have been with any other group. A true case of "it's not about you, it's about me". No doubt you've noticed, but there are threads of this running though most of my blog posts. They don't all tie back to the same cause, but a few of them do.

So in answer to your question, no: there's always a reason. I usually know what it is. It’s no less sudden or depressing for that fact though.