Thursday, March 31, 2005

Places to go and see in York #7

Today I visited one of York's premier tourist attractions. My destination was a place which I have not visited before. It was also a place that involves a large mound, a castle and some history. Can you guess where it is yet?

Today I visited Cifford's Tower. I walked to it, but it's also possible to get the bus.

Clifford's Tower and a Bus

Actually, that's as close as I got. Couldn't be arsed to go in. Hangover. Sorry.

Clifford's Tower
Time spent in attraction: n/a
Does it have a bar? No
Fun: ???
Suitable for a rainy day? Not sure


Chip said...

I've by and large given up on worrying about your spelling, but I have to pipe up this time, as you've spelt my name wrong.

Come to think of it, I've given up worrying that you don't know where I'm from - why should I bother about how you spell my name?

Lint said...

Oh, c'mon. That was clearly a typo. I know that it's really supposed to be spelt Cllllliiiiiiiffoorrrrrrdddddddd's tower.