Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Writing On Vans

Ambulances often have the word "ambulance" printed in mirror writing on the front of the ambulance so that people can see in their rear view mirrors that there is an ambulance behind them. I think this seems slightly unnecessary. It is normally quite easy to tell there's an ambulance behind you. The following three things are a dead giveaway:

1. You can see a ambulance in your mirror - no reading required
2. You can hear a loud siren - this will alert you long before reading is possible
3. Cars all around you start swerving off the road in a desperate attempt to get out of the way.

And so I don't see the point of having the mirror writing. In fact, the only people it probably helps are deaf people who can't recognise shapes, and I don't think they should really be driving in the first place.

Mr Tesco and Mr Sainsbury obviously agree with me because their vans just say "Tesco" or "Sainsburys" in normal writing on the front. And they don't even have a siren!

Thinking about this, maybe they should give the same right to supermarket delivery vans as they do to the emergency services. After all, there can be few people who would disagree that it is as important for me to receive timely deliveries of beer and frozen pizza as it is for some sick bloke (who will probably die shortly anyway!) to get to hospital quickly. If the politician people put together a law compelling delivery vans to bear sirens, then I for one would give them my vote. I expect you can get better healthcare from the supermarkets than from the NHS in any case.


Bertworld said...

Dont they also have flashing lights for the death so you dont really need the ambulance sign for them.

Lint said...

I think they are actually for the deaf, but I take your point.

I think the lights get turned off once the point of death has been reached. There ain't much point rushing any more.

Bertworld said...

Cant even blame that on typing. Will say that its because i'm an actuary and my train of thought