Thursday, December 09, 2004

A visit from the plumber

They said it would never happen.

This afternoon, the plumber (from Drain Doctor) has been round to fix my dripping drip. As expected, it seemed to just require a change of washer, which took him only a few minutes. Definitely preferable to it having been water coming in from outside or from the upstairs flat's drainage. Or bubbling up from under the concrete in the lounge (that one was maybe slightly paranoid).

I should add, that said tradesman arrived bang on time. I do appreciate a punctual plumber.

As far as I can tell, the problem is now fully fixed, but I'll give it a couple of days before replacing the floors, just in case.

Sadly Mr Plumber was not the sexy young lady I'd hoped for. Instead he was an Australian gent, with full on Aussie accent and all. I can't actually read his signature on the invoice, but it disappointingly doesn't seem to say Bruce.

He was very dubious about the link I'd observed between the leak dripping and the Economy 7 kicking in on the hot water. As far as I can tell, it's a 100% correlation, but he said it must just be a coincidence. Whilst I accept that he is more of an expert on plumbing than myself, I think he was wrong on that one point.

I'm now fifty quid down, but he did give me a fridge magnet. Result.


Bertworld said...

I officially apologise for my lack of belief in you actually doing something. But a washer - you mean you hadnt tried that. For £50 you should have got more than a fridge magnet!!

Lint said...

I was reasonably sure that that was all it needed. Problem is that I have no idea how to do such a thing. I also lack tools.