Thursday, December 02, 2004

Calendars for 2005: Check

Due to a mistaken belief that waiting until January would enable me to purchase the calendars I wanted for a pound each, I have had no calendars in the flat for 2004. I do have two for 2003 which have been left on the August and November pages through the year. This hasn't proved to be as much of a problem as I'd thought it might, as I can easily look dates up on the computer. However, the computer one doesn't have nice pictures of Buffy on it.

This year (to save me from fear) I've been more sensible and I purchased my two calendars at the end of November, whilst the ones I wanted were actually in stock. I had to pay five times my desired calendar purchase price (ie ten pounds for the two) but that is literally the price one has to pay to get good calendar.

Slightly predictably, I have got a Buffy one and an Angel one. I briefly toyed with the idea of getting a Spike one too, but deciced that would be a) overkill, b) slightly too gay and c) I'd have had to buy a fourth one too to benefit from the 2 for £10 offer.

So it's just the two for next year. Unless Santa decides I need more calendars. It's always hard to predict exactly what that bearded paragon of generosity will do.

Since both Buffy and Angel are no longer in production, this might be the last year I have such calendars. Maybe in 2006 I could get Some Art. I'm not really sure how you go about buying Some Art, but I have a year to work it out. I think the process may first involve finding something I like, and that may prove to be the hard part. It's not that I'm hugely fussy about Some Art, just that I'm unlikely to go out actively looking for it.

Another alternative may be that there'll be another great show for me to give the honour of "Calendar On My Wall" to. A title previously held only by Babylon 5 (as far as I can remember, anyway). Or maybe we'll all be dead from plague by 2006. You never can tell.

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