Saturday, December 25, 2004

So this is Christmas

Merry Christmas everybody! I hope you are all having a great time.

This year, I'm spending the festive season being inebriated.

It's been a bit of a quiet one today compared to normal, with just four of us for dinner. Dinner was a goose. My goose verdict: tasty.

Last night we were out in a local pub. Sadly it was a place that was slightly too non-local to make it easy to get to, so getting home could have gone very wrong. Luckily, people who were slightly more sober than me somehow arranged for a taxi to come and get us. It was one of those evenings where the photos make you look sillier than you remember being. And I'm sure I wasn't dancing as much as the pictures make out.

Good Presents Received:
An optic.
A mini table tennis table.
A book of poems by Simon Armitage.
10 pairs of socks.
A talking Homer Simpson bottle opener.
Lots of misc others.

It strangely seems that the fewer of us are here for Christmas, the more presents we end up buying.

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