Saturday, December 11, 2004

Not a good night for hobbits

This evening I went over to Jimbobjo's to watch the final of X-Factor. Not for any particularly good reason, since I haven't watched the rest of the series (apart from a couple of glimpses), but I had nothing better to do.

His road seems to have moved slightly since last time I was over, which meant that I got a little lost on the way over and had to call him to ask for directions. This was clearly slightly wrong. Most roads in York are fixed in location, since they are made of tarmac and have heavy houses on them to fix them down. They are not like cardboard boxes or crisp packets that can be blown around by the wind. If you put a road in one place, you can normally be sure that it will be there the next day. This particular road had not obeyed these rules - possibly due to being built on slippy slip-ice.

Anyway, the final of X-factor was between Steve (a man) and G4 (four hobbits - three thin, one fat). G4 sing normal songs in an operatic style. Pretty ridiculous. The winner was... Steve. Actually quite hard to care too much, but at least his career should (like a hobbit) be short.

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