Thursday, September 09, 2004

I'm a nuncle!

Back in February, I wrote about how my sister was expecting her first baby and my first niece or nephew. Well, after a long wait, last night the baby was revealed to the world ie it was born.

"It" has now become "He", and his given name is Barnaby. Sounds slightly Dickensian, but I like it. I saw some photos this morning, thanks to the magic of electricity, and he looks quite cute. He's got a little white hat on, which I assume he must have changed into after being born. Sis' looked to be happy and smiling, but she was probably still high on Birth Drugs at the time the photo was taken.

I'm going to go and visit them all in a week's time, so that little Barney can meet his Fantastic Uncle for the first time. I suspect that he will still be too young for me to discuss the Riemann Hypothesis with, but we might be able to get started on a spot of the calculus.


asyl076 said...

Yay! A new baby Barnaby! Be sure to teach him to steer clear of pigeon tunnels.

Heather said...


Sarum said...

Woo! and such for your sister. Here'll probably be far more interseted in sleeping and feeding than calculus to be honest... maybe so could start on something simple and entertaining? Actuarial Mortality tables perhaps? It's bound to come in useful in later life..

Chip said...


Start him off easy - instead of the Riemann Hypothesis, ask him about the Poincare and Goldbach conjectures first.

Lint said...

I've actually got a wonderful proof of the Goldbach conjecture, but there isn't room for me to post it in these comments.