Friday, September 03, 2004

Holiday Photos

Okay, the previous post was "likely" to be the last holiday-related post, and so is this one. I've just stuck up a load more holiday photos for any of you who are interested. You can see them in this gallery.

I've also put up a few other photos, including the now infamous Gay Rice, Dog in Peaked Hat and Nick Licks The Ear Of Chris. There are a few others too if you feel like having a search around my Flickr site.

Should you wish to, you can leave comments on any of the photos, just like you can on here. Think of it as borrowing my photos, turning them over, then scribbling words of your best wisdom on the reverse side using a leaky biro. Maybe I won't notice what you've written - I mean, whoever actually turns a photo over on purpose?


asyl076 said...

I must say, the licking of the ear is quite.... uh.... Chip? What exactly WERE you doing?

Chip said...

Trying to walk away. Very far away.

I used to share a flat (kind of) with Nick. He's not all that fussed about personal space.