Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Oh Frabjous day!

I'm told that we can expect an exciting announcement at work this morning concerning a departmental restructuring exercise that is currently underway. I'm not sure in what sense the word "exciting" was being used. However, to prepare myself for this, I am sporting slightly asymmetrical hair.


Chip said...

It's all on the top half of your head?

iasonas said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Lint said...

Sorry for deleting your comment Pete - I find it's safest to avoid mentioning my employer...

asyl076 said...

Damn, now we can't stalk you.

So was it as exciting as should be warranted by the wearing of assymetrical hair?

Lint said...

Not that exciting it turns out. Some jobs are being moved up here to York, and there's going to be more offshoring at some future point, but there's nothing that I hadn't been expecting to happen at some point.

Sarum said...

Ask anyone you might expect to know whats going on, and the best you can hope for is "it's not been decided yet" or "it's not the plan at the moment, but it's not been ruled out".

So, everything to play for still, and everything pretty much as uncertain as it's been since March. Wonderful.

Tsuki said...

Um, you deleted Pete's post for referring to the company, but then the comments about "York" and "Offshoring" make it clear which company you mean. Shame on you.

iasonas said...

Ah, cool! I've never been censored before. It makes me feel like a rebel!

Lint said...

And also, anyone who knows me clearly knows where I work, and anyone else I'd probably tell if they asked. But, people do and have been sacked for blogging about work, and so I think it's best to keep a certain detachment, if only to keep out of search engine results.

In any case: My blog, my rules - however arbitrary or inconsistent they may seem.

Chip said...

I think you're more likely to get the sack for the asymmetrical hair.