Tuesday, September 28, 2004


Here's another instance of me being really bad at recognising famous people. I just started watching Season two of "Dead Like Me". And it struck me that the actor who plays grumpy old Rube is called Mandy Patinkin. Which is a bit of a coincidence since although that is not a very common name (not round here in York anyway), there was a man with a very similar name in "The Princess Bride", playing Inigo Montoya (as in "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father - prepare to die"). But clearly they can't be the same person since Inigo had a long hair and a slightly foreign accent whilst Rube has short hair and a gruff American accent. I suppose techincally American is a foreign accent to me, but I'm sure you get my meaning.

After watching him for many hours in each of these two roles, maybe I should have put two and two together, or at least overlayed two triangles to find they were congruent. But I didn't. Today though the coincidence finally struck me as strange, and I checked up on IMDB and yes: They Are The Same Person. Bugger. Should have got that one sooner.

I had been fooled by a wig and a vague accent.

I'd like to think that I'm not the only one who does this. But I think that most people probably look at faces and then recognise them in the future. Isn't that something that even babies can do? It's not like it's the first time I've been misled this way. It took me a ridiculous amount of time to work out which one was Brad Pitt in "Troy".

If any of you ever want to avoid me, just put on a hair-piece and speak in a Spanish accent and I'll be convinced that you're a complete stranger and totally ignore you. Or perhaps you could try just being in a different room. Or country. Oh - you are already.

Anyway, if you haven't seen "The Princess Bride", then go and watch it (don't confuse it with "The Princess Diaries" like a certain friend of mine did). Then read the book. And then go and watch the film again. Because the book and the film are are fantastic.


asyl076 said...

Inigo: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

He was also quite excellent in a medical drama in the US called Chicago Hope. I understand he's also got quite a voice and imagine he's been in a noteworthy broadway show or two, just can't place which ones.

Lint said...

"Inconceivable!" the Sicilian cried.

The Spaniard whirled on him. "Stop saying that word. It was inconceivable that anyone could follow us, but when we looked behind, there was the man in black. It was inconceivable that anyone could sail as fast as we could sail, and yet he gained on us. Now this too is inconceivable, but look--look--" and the Spaniard pointed down through the night. "See how he rises."


'Tis truly a classic tale of true love and high adventure.

Chip said...

So I'm guessing you also didn't spot where you've seen Mason before either. (I'm not sure you'll have seen his best-known other role, but you may have.)

Or how about Daisy? (I know for a fact you've seen her in something else!)

Lint said...

I did actually recognise Daisy quite quickly (Season 2 of 24). I don't know where I might have seen Mason before, even after checking on IMDB. I see he was in The Princess Diaries 2. But I haven't seen that.

Chip said...

He was in As If, a younger version of This Life, on Channel 4. Very good program.

Lint said...


Agent 31 said...

Man, Dead Like Me is the best friggin' show. When Mason was at the guy's memorial service two episodes ago, I was in tears for a half hour. The man is comic genius.