Wednesday, September 01, 2004

White Rabbits

Welcome to September everybody. Two thirds of 2004 have gone already. Zzzooooom.

Now I, and most other sane people, make a point of trying to say "White Rabbits" (or even "White Rabbit, White Rabbit, White Rabbit" - I guess "White Rabbits is an abbreviation?) at the start of each month in order to bring good luck. I believe that it's been scientifically proven to work, by scientists in laboratories. Strange how laboratories (nearly) brings the UK's two main political parties together in a single word. But not relevant.

I have said "White Rabbits" aloud this morning. It was the first thing I said aloud so I think that is my luck sorted for this month. I didn't say it really loudly - that would just make me look silly. I have attempted to do this every month for like, ever, since I was little. Sometimes I manage it, sometimes I don't. It was always harder when I used to see other people early in the morning before I'd had a chance to wake up properly. Or if I had a huge hangover.

What I don't have is any proper record of what has happpened in months when I have said it, and what has happened when I haven't. One might say that I suffer from Lacking A White Rabbit Diary Journal (LAWRDJ). But I'd prefer it if one didn't, as it makes me sound like a mentalist.

That will not be so this month. I now have a record of having said "White Rabbits" first thing this morning - this post. So I will attempt to monitor any particularly good or bad luck that I experience. If by 31 September the good outweighs the bad, then the theory is proved even more (yes, pedants, I know something is either proved or not proved, leave me alone) and I will officially be a scientist. If the bad outweighs the good, I will officially be miserable and sulk a lot.


Chip said...

Can I be a pedant about something else? No need to answer that - it appears I can.

How many days hath September?

Lint said...

Balls. That's twice I've done that today. And I think I have to put that down to stupidity rather than bad luck.