Friday, August 13, 2004

Where do the nights of sleep go when they do not come to me?

You're a kid and you've been out with your parents somewhere for the day. It's been quite tiring, and you fall asleep in the back of the car. When you get home, your parents wake you up a little bit and carry you into the house and to bed, but you don't wake enough so that you're properly awake. When you are put into your bed, you fall right back to sleep until morning. Life is sweet.

If only it was that easy now. Last night I fell asleep on the sofa and woke up around 9ish. Feeling very drowsy. I thought "excellent - if I can just maintain this level of drowsiness between here and the bedroom, I can get into bed and have a decent night's sleep for once". But it was not to be. As soon as I get into bed, sleep is completely elusive.

I'd be better off just sleeping fully clothed on the sofa. I'm sure it'd work better. It seems that our daft society has conditioned us into thinking that the only sensible place to sleep is on/in a bed and that anywhere else is inferior. Sofas, floors, baths, buses, pavements and under the office desk are all fine places to have a sleep, but they are considered substandard by most people. Stop this madness. Please.

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