Sunday, August 08, 2004

Assize of a cask

What I could really use is a rest right now. What I get instead is a Saturday afternoon pub crawl.

Every year, the Mayor and the Sheriff of York go round the city to assize the ale that is being sold in the local hostelries ie check that it is drinkable, nice, wet and sociable. And they do this dressed in medieval fancy dress. Knights, Jesters, Wenches, Outlaws etc. And collect money for charity at the same time.

I just kind of tagged along in non-fancy dress, but did end up with a collection box anyway. I have a vague feeling that collecting money without a valid badge/sticker/license is illegal, but what can ya do. I was getting quite good at it by the end. Especial good ones were the wedding party (just trying to have a wedding) and the girl who had just left her flat and was locking the door, then turned round to find me and a tin.

I think the overall verdict on the ale was that it was excellent. And what I could really use is a rest right now. What I get instead is a Sunday walk. I have no idea where (or even why) but I'm being picked up in 20 minutes. I have loads of things I need to do: people to email (I'll do it soon, promise!), groceries to buy, sleep to have etc etc etc. As the man JBJ said, I'll sleep when I'm dead.

1 comment:

Tsuki said...

walking? not invited Dom? Aww.