Sunday, August 08, 2004

Nasty waspy creatures

For the first time that I can ever remember, I got stung by a bee/wasp this afternoon. It stings! I've been stung by nettles and other plants before, but never by a black and yellow style buzz beast. At first it looked like it was going to swell up a bit, but now it's looking ok, and I've put some anti-histimine cream on it. Always a bit dodgy the first time you have something like that happen to you, since you don't know if maybe you have a serious allergy that has just never manifested before. It looks like I don't (a good thing) and I haven't gone into anti-syphillitic shock or anything.

Not sure exactly how I managed to do it - I leant my arm onto a railing and felt a big ow - looking down it seemed the bee/wasp had flown in under my arm as I leaned down and had taken exception to me resting on it (fair enough really). And then it was just kind of wobbling on my arm and wouldn't fly off, possibly as its stinger was still stuck in me.

It's very hot today. Still got loads of things to do.

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