Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Reader Survey Results!

The results of the reader survey are now in. Let's get to know one another...

Q1: Hello! Who and how are you?
50% of you are fine. That's nice. And 17% of you are drunk. The rest are doing ok too, in less specific ways. Oh, and I'm fine too, thanks for asking. Isn't this fun?

Q2: Do you like the colours displayed on this page? Would you prefer something bluer?
Interesting answers here. Most popular was along the lines of "Pink's a bit gay". The only specific answer to the second question was quite anti-blue.

Q3: Have you or a friend ever been offended by anything written on these pages?
I'm not someone who normally sets out to cause offense, so it was sad to hear that I have offended 1/3 of you. I did this by mentioning the excellent band, Franz Ferdinand, who appear to be disliked by some people, and by talking about beards, or rather the removal of said items with razors. Ha! Like I care. Franz F are one of the best new bands to have emerged last year, "Darts of Pleasure" was fantastic. And beards are and always will be funny.

Q4: Are you a foxy single girl?
83% of you claim to not be foxy single girls - A surprising result? Not really. What is more surprising was that one of the people in this category claimed that although he himself was not a FSG, he had met some recently. There was no evidence provided as to the truth of this claim, so I believe it is safe to treat it as a delusion.

Q5: Do you enjoy my topics? Would you like more: a) honest critiques of my life; b) info on my (lack of) love life; c) poetry
33% of you would like more poetry! Whilst that isn't quite a majority, I'm in charge here, I make the rules, so there will be more poetry. In fact, same thing applies to a) and b). It's my blog and I'll blog what I want to :-) You don't have to read it.

Q6: I have recorded several cover versions of songs into mp3. Would you like to be able to hear them?
A unanimous "yes" here! You are all suffering from insania! Ok, just wait for me to get something set up. And of course you now also have my original songs to look forward to too!

Q7: Do you have a blog or website?
Some of you do, some of you don't. Ones that work I am linking to on the left. Bert, you could try writing something longer than a line one day?

Q8: Who killed Laura Palmer?
One correct answer to this one. Well done respondent no. 5. I shan't reveal the killer here, as I don't want to spoil it for those of you who never saw Twin Peaks. But to the person who thought Cock Robin killed Laura, I must sadly disillusion you. Cock Robin did not kill anyone, and was in fact himself killed by the sparrow. If you click here, you can see the whole story along with some charming pictures. Incidentally - I was quite dubious about what I'd find when I typed "Cock Robin" into Google...

Q9: If you are someone who knows me, what should I do differently in life in order to be more successful?
Too lazy to recount the various answers here, but suffice to say, I have listened to each and every one of you.

Q10: If you answered "Yes" to Q4, where have you been all my life?
USA, Australia and Tokyo apparently. Given the answers to Q4, I find these answers slightly surprising.

Thanks again to everyone who took time to answer this. What was the point of it again...?

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