Sunday, March 28, 2004


Sometimes my capacity for doing and saying really stupid things surprises even me. And sometimes they are so dumb that they deserve to be shared with the world. Here are two from the wedding reception last night.

1. Two TV shows on the telly. Father Ted and Black Books. Father Ted stars Ardol O'Hanlon. Black Books stars Dylan Moran. For the past x years I have been utterly convinced that they were the same person. I hadn't quite registered that they had different names. I had noticed that they looked different, but had assumed that it was a haircut thing. So it was only a little bit embarassing that at dinner I brought up this topic and was corrected by a middle aged man who probably thought I was absolutely insane. They look very different! And have different names!

2. Little sweets called Love Hearts. Compacted sherbert with sweet nothings written on them. "You're nice", "I love you", "Text me" sort of things. We all had a mini pack of them at our dinner places. Yum! Eventually I got round to opening them and was quite happy to find the first one said "just married" on it. I figured it would make a great thing to give to the bride and groom. They weren't around at the time, but I left it with Cathy's mum. Went back to my seat, started on the rest of the sweets. They all said the same thing on them. There were about 1000 Love Hearts in the room saying "Just Married" on them. Felt a bit silly...

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