Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Our survey says...

This may turn into something of a rant. Hey isn't the internet wonderful. This one's probably been coming for a while, but it seemed appropriate for today.

A young chap that I talk to on occasion came up to me at work this morning, completely out of the blue, and mentioned that he'd met a certain unnamed person at 5-a-side for the first time the previous evening and thought that they were a complete "tw*t". "Well done" thinks I, "thanks for sharing that with me. Why do I need to know this?". After a slight elaboration on the part of the other guy (whose anonymity I shall preserve here), it turns out he was talking about the current boyfriend of my ex-girl, the one she started seeing before dumping my good self.

(Slight Diversion: I can't actually prove the bit about her seeing him before breaking up with me, but it is pretty suspicious that they were sending Valentines cards to each other only 10 days later. Not to mention a lot of circumstantial evidence prior to that. Including some smells.)

Anyway, I found this relatively amusing. I've never actually spoken to the "tw*t" myself (and from here on in I shall refer to him as Lod, a joke which only I will understand, but there you go, it's my blog and if I want to have private jokes I can), so I can only really base my opinion of him on what he's done and on what other people have said about him. But I can't actually remember anybody ever saying anything good about him. I can remember people saying "arrogant", "tw*t", "boring", "f***er", "bald" and several others, but never anything positive. Actually "bald" was me, but that was objective based on facts observed with my eyes. "Orange" was an interesting word someone said about him at one point. And some of the worse words came from normally quite mild-mannered people.

The negativity is perhaps not surprising as a lot of it is from my friends who to some extent will just be trying to make me feel better. But not all of it is from them. Some of it was from work colleagues (his as well as mine). Some of it was from near-strangers. For example, one time in a pub I was chatting to someone for (pretty much) the first time and he started talking about Lod, who he had been working with earlier that day. Well, I say talking, it was mostly complaining and swearing. Don't think he liked him very much and I certainly won't repeat stuff here (as my memory isn't great). But this guy had no idea who I was, or of my link to Lod, so I think I can take it as a slightly more objective opinion. He was drunk, mind, but then that doesn't make him wrong. Just louder and more annoying.

I've left plenty of things left unsaid here, and it's probably a good thing that I'm completely sober as I write, but all the evidence keeps pointing to one thing: Lod is not a nice man. And he is apparently a very dirty football player. Sorry, that was two things. If anyone wants to propose a counter-view, "Lod is a great guy" kinda thing, then please feel free to use the comment facility, people should have a right to reply after all.

Why should I care any more? It has after all been over a year now since it all ended. Well, I probably shouldn't care. Just let it all go. But it would be good if he went away as then a) York would be a nicer place; b) I don't much like having to avoid people at work and in social occasions; and c) I could maybe actually be friends with H again, which believe it or not, I would like to be. She did after all used to be my best friend as well as all the rest. But I guess she's made her choice...

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