Thursday, March 18, 2004

List time

I feel like doing a list today. Here we go:

1. A girl in my year at University who was in my college now presents the childrens news programme on the BBC. Don't think I ever spoke to her.
2. I need a hair cut. Meant to go last Saturday but was too lazy.
3. I'm heading into town in a while and it's absolutely pissing it down outside. Hopefully it won't last all night. Was that thunder just then?
4. Pay rise and bonus today - wahey. Maybe I'll start off my car-fund.
5. Managed to get a grade 'A' on "Size of a cow". My dancing is on fire! (or so the game tells me).
6. Note to self: Avoid Irish pubs on St Patrick's Day.
7. Ground Control to Major Tom: Take your protein pills and put your helmet on.
8. I bought some fennel tea. It's quite nice if you like things to taste of aniseed.
9. The day before yesterday I disappointed myself. I bought a nice bit of lamb and some potatoes, but couldn't be arsed to cook the potatoes so had (cooked) frozen potato waffles instead.
10. Ground Control to Major Tom: Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong.
11. Time for a quick play on the gee-tar before going out? Yes: I think there might be. As long as this list doesn't go on much longer.
12. This is a rubbish list.
13. It's stopped raining now.

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