Monday, March 08, 2004

Lost and Lost

They say that you never know what you've got until it's gone. Maybe. What is definitely true is that you don't realise something's gone until you look for it and find that you don't seem to have it any more. Case in point: I've just been looking for my A-Z of Bristol, to help someone at work plan a treasure hunt there. I lived there for nearly a year on a work secondment a while back, and the map was invaluable for finding my way round (no sh*t, Sherlock) whilst flat-hunting. And now I was intending it to find a new brief second lease of life as a pub crawl route planner / memory jogger.

So I'm looking round my second bedroom for it, the only sensible place it can be. Lucky all the Tat has gone now - Lovely Puppy would have not been a good aid to map finding (or to anything else). And I can find the London A-Z, and the Norwich A-Z, but the Bristol & Bath A-Z? No not a peek, not hide nor hair or even a suasage. It's gone. And the only place it could sensibly be is still somewhere in my ex-girlfriend's house where I used to live and didn't need a map. Which is really unfair because that would mean that she now has two copies of it and I have none. And that just starts to depress me a bit as I always feel down when I think of her. And I also then think, not for the first time, that you never know what you've got until it's gone.

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