Monday, January 26, 2004

Is it safe?

Despite the title, this is not an entry about Marathon Man (or dentistry in general).

As I walked home from work this evening, it began to rain. Cold nasty rain. I was listening to some tunes on headphones and I got to thinking about how safe this is. I have always been taught not to mix electricity with water because it is dangerous and you get electroculuted. Come to think of it, this was mostly taught in physics lessons. My French Teacher avoided the subject, or at least I assume he did. Couldn't understand what he was saying half the time.

So anyway, is it safe to wear headphones in the rain? They clearly contain some electricity, and rain clearly contains some water, and there has to be potential for the two to mix in my ear. This could lead to electrical fires and a probable headache. And I don't want a headache. If anyone knows an answer, I'd be delighted to hear from you. In the meantime I shall stick to leaving them on in light rain and removing them in heavy rain. Medium rain I shall leave to my whimsy at the time.

For reference, here are the electrical things and wet things that I know definitely should never ever ever be mixed:

1. Toaster and a hot bubble bath
2. Electric bedside light and a hot bubble bath
3. Hairdryer and a hot bubble bath

Everything else is probably ok. Play safely!

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