Monday, May 10, 2004

Face Lift

So whilst I'm messing around with things, let's try a new look too. Still pink though. Let me know how you like it. Not that I'll listen :-)


asyl076 said...

I like the layout better. It's more pink than before. I didn't think that was possible. :)

Lint said...

Who'd have thought that there was that much pink on the internet! And I've found it all.

Seriously though, I think I prefer the way that these comments end up getting displayed on the same page as the actual blog entry. Seems more natural than odd little pop up windows. Just a shame I had to lose all the old comments.

Chip said...

I suppose this means I ought to think about doing the same thing. Time to dust off my HTML skills...when I learnt them, there was none of this CSS malarkey. The height of coolness was the blink tag (which Blogger doesn't like - sacrilege!) And everyone had black writing on white backgrounds.

Those were happier times, even if the incidence of eyestrain has now fallen significantly.

Anonymous said...

Jimbobjo: The new pink is a bit gay, but that's no bad thing

Bertworld said...

Like it, pink (which suits you - hee hee), but more modern and slicker. At least you didnt mess it up like me. You ought to try the bit of code I have which can put a scrolling text on, subject everyone to your latest poem.