Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Challenge #1: LIGHT - Complete!

It's only day 11 of the new year, and I've just completed my first challenge, which also happens to be #1.

On Sunday, I bought one lightshade. Yesterday, I bought two lightshades. Today I bought three lightshades. I'm worried I may now be addicted to buying lightshades. This would be a problem, since I now have all the ones I need. I have no more bare bulbs.

It's hard to express how much this has pleased me. I feel like I've actually achieved something. I've made the world a marginally better place. Very marginally.

Installing a lightshade proved easier than I anticipated. It's one of those things I don't think I've ever done before, so I was unsure whether I'd manage. But I did manage, it was easy. Mainly because I didn't do anything stupid like buy shades that would require me to do hard electrical things with wires. I'd probably have killed myself by now if I had.

Do you fancy an update on some of the remaining challenges? Do you? Well, it's kind of on the sidebar somwhere.

1 comment:

Agent 31 said...

I don't feel like scrolling and looking for a list. I'll just pretend that you've completed three already and I'll be very, very proud of you.