Monday, April 12, 2004

Ten Hour Take Over

Bank Holiday Monday. Have you ever wondered which songs the UK population would choose to listen to, given a choice out of anything at all, ever? Today I had a chance to find out. Radio 1 has all day been operating like a kind of jukebox, where people can text in what song they'd like to hear on the radio - they can choose anything out of the BBC's archives, the biggest music archives in the world. Pretty much any great song could be chosen, from this or the last century. Maybe their favourite song, or a great album track that doesn't get much radio play. So let me give you of a few (not atypical) examples of what people have been requesting to hear today:

Bucks Fizz - Making your mind up
Jason Donovan - Too many broken hearts
The theme from the muppet show
Paul McCartney - The Frog Chorus
Sisqo - The Thong Song
Do The Bartman
MC Hammer - U can't touch this
The theme from Minder
Various songs that are played on the radio every couple of hours at the moment anyway

OK, there have been quite a few good ones too, But in general it seems that given the choice, what most people would like to here out of everything ever, are novelty records, cheesy 80s pop and TV theme tunes. I despair.

They are currently having a vote on which Robin Hood related song to play.

Now some of the blame must go to the DJs - they are getting thousands and thousands of requests, so it must be the DJs actually choosing which requests to play. Maybe it's not actually that bad - I have been listening to it all day after all.

To be honest I'm sulking because they didn't play the tune I requested - the classic "Turtle Power" by Partners in Kryme. Hey, everybody loves ninja turtles right?

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