Sunday, April 04, 2004

Meat Feast

Sainsburys, which is for reasons of proximity where I do the majority of my food shopping, often sells me pizza. Until recently they did a quite nice (chilled as opposed to frozen) one called "Hot and Spicy Meat Feast". It had pepperoni, ham, other things and some bits of chillis. Quite nice, I like spicy pizza. Then they relaunched the range and fiddled with all the recipes. The H&S Meat Feast, became just "Meat Feast". There is clearly one implication that most sane people would draw from this name change - the pizza is less spicy than it used to be. But it's not! It is actually a bit hotter than before. I accept that "Even Hotter and Spicier Meat Feast" isn't very catchy, but why not just leave the name the same? It doesn't even mention the chillis on the packaging any more apart from in small print on the ingredients list on the back. It's going to confuse people who both like and dislike hot food. I stopped buying it for a while until I spotted that the chillis were still there.

It's like Cherry Coke dropping the word "Cherry" and at the same time putting in more cherry flavour. Madness. Although that would clearly not happen as it would lead to confusion between Coke and Normal Coke.

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