Wednesday, April 21, 2004

On the nasty philanthropist...

I mused briefly yesterday whether or not you could have a nasty philanthropist.

n. pl. phi·lan·thro·pies

1. The effort or inclination to increase the well-being of humankind, as by charitable aid or donations.
2. Love of humankind in general.
3. Something, such as an activity or institution, intended to promote human welfare.

So possibly not. But it seems to me that what appears to be an act of philanthropy could actually be a very subtle act of anti-philanthropy. There might be a better word.

For example. Mr A makes a donation to his local homeless charity - they run a soup kitchen to feed those who cannot afford to buy their own food. The charity has not been receiving many donations and without support, it may have to soon close down. Now, thanks to A's kind gift, the soup kitchen can afford to keep going for another week. Isn't A a nice philanthropist? No, he's not. The soup kitchen is just outside Mr B's flat. Mr B has been complaining about the bloody beggars hanging around outside his house for months. Now they'll be there for longer, with their shouting, spitting, smelliness and drinking. Mr B once stole Mr A's girlfriend.

For example. Mr C offers Mr D a lift to the supermarket. Mr D doesn't have a car, and so normally has to walk to the supermarket. If he takes the lift, think of all the things D can buy! Crates of beer! Heavy washing liquid! Lots of wine! Mr D thinks that Mr C is great, so generous! Isn't C a nice philanthropist? No, he's not. C has remembered something that D has quite forgotten. This afternoon, there's a big football match on TV that D wanted to watch. In all the excitement of going to the shops in a car it has completely slipped D's mind! D misses the important match because C took him to buy some beer. Mr D once stole Mr C's girlfriend.

For example. Mr E offers to host New Year's Eve party at his house. Amongst other people, he invites Mr F and Mrs G, a nice married couple. E promises that he'll get in all the food and drink, nobody needs to bring anything. "Wow" think Mr F and Mrs G, "How kind of E to host such a lovely party!". They turn up and have a lovely time. Isn't E a nice philanthropist? No, he's not. E also invited Mr H. Mr H is secretly having an affair with Mrs G, which Mr E knows about. The party gives them an ideal time to spend time together, which they then do whenever F isn't looking. E is helping the affair along in an effort to break up F and G's marriage. Mr F once stole Mr E's girlfriend and married her.

For example. Mr K buys a lovely present off the internet for Mr L. It's a £250 Lego Star Destroyer. Isn't K a nice philanthropist? No, he's not. K knows that once L has the Lego, he'll assemble it and place it somewhere obvious in his flat where he can look at it lots. K realises that this will put paid to Mr L's chances of ever scoring with a chick should he manage to convince one to get back to his flat...

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