Monday, April 05, 2004

Back to the daily grind

Back to work today after two weeks lazing around doing not a lot. Didn't even feel particularly rested this morning as I slept really craply last night. Think I was too hot - I've turned ths storage heater down a bit now (bye bye winter!) so hopefully will sleep better. A few beers will probably help on that front too.

It didn't really feel like I'd been away. The only way I could tell was that my inbox was much much fuller than normal. It took me about an hour to clear that, another hour for a team meeting, another hour to do some admin and score a few CVs, then it was lunchtime. Got quite a lot of proper work done in the afternoon. Today might turn out to have been the most productive day of the week. I was also pleased with myself for not forgetting my password (ok, I had it written down in my wallet). Two weeks is quite a long time to remember 8 letters. If you're dumb.

It was quite a pleasant surprise to get in this morning and be told that I had Friday and Monday off for Easter - I'd completely forgotten there were a couple of bank holidays coming up. Yay! Two four day weeks in a row - I could use more of that.

I'm also on three weeks plant watering duty for a chap who lives round the corner - Last time I'll be doing it as him and his plants are off down to Norwich for ever at the end of the three weeks. Personally, I'd be the last person I'd entrust my plants to, I have a hard enough time keeping my two houseplants in a decent state. And they don't need watering every day like the ones entrusted to me. They include two pear trees in pots (sans patridges) and a load of others that I can't identify. I just think of them as plants in pods. I go there. I water them. I go home. Tomorrow I do the same.

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