Sunday, April 11, 2004

Easter Walk

Today is Easter Sunday, and I have no chocolate eggs :-( I have been for a decent walk, out in the Yorkshire Dales, starting at a small village by the name of Malham. It's an area that used to have lots of glaciers and things during the last ice age. Unsurprisingly, these have now all gone, but have left behind some spectacular scenery.

We did around 7 1/2 miles, respectable for a Sunday morning. I was certainly ready for lunch by the end, but more on that later. First couple of miles were fairly straightforward. We then hit Gordale Scar, which looks nice enough until you get to the end when you reach what to all intents and purposes looks like a dead end. There's a waterfall descending from above. Due to me lacking great descriptive abilities, here is the best photo I could find. Except there was more water today than on the photo. I don't know who the man is. To progress on the walk you effectively have to go rock-climbing for about 25 ft. I was not keen on this! I seriously thought about turning back and finding a different route, but given that the two girls with us had already ascended, I wasn't going to let myself be out done! It was pretty scary, and I'm sure it must be incredibly easy to seriously injure yourself if you don't know what you're doing. Which I don't. Or maybe I'm just a big wuss.

The rest of the walk was (thankfully) a lot easier. No other near death experiences. There was a dead lamb at one point (awwww) - looked like it may have fallen down a hill/small cliff. Which just emphasises the dangers of climbing. Also there were some very loud (possibly) Germans shouting all over the hills. In German or some similar language. I have a message for you: "Sie bevölkeren, die Deutsche sein kann sollte den Tranquility der englischen Landschaft respektieren. Bleiben Sie Ruhe und schreien Sie nur in Ihren Träumen." Sadly I have no idea if that means what I think it does. Google did it for me. And it doesn't back translate exactly as it started.

So we eventually got back to the start and went to the pub for lunch (always my favourite part of any walk). A pint of Timothy Taylor's Landlord, and a curry for Sunday lunch. The curry was fine, but it did come with the gayest rice I have ever seen. Completely bright pink. Slightly offputting, but tasted normal. Now I'm probably not in a position to complain about things being pink, given the colour of this page, but rice?? Surely that's not normal.

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