Friday, April 02, 2004


My blog is now 3 months old! A whole quarter of a year. And well over a 100 separate posts. Of varying quality. Happy birthday Blog!

Now before anyone goes and checks, yes I know that the first post was actually Jan 03, not Jan 02, but I bet as a baby you didn't manage to say anything useful in your first month, yet alone your first day. Baby Blogs grow up quicker than baby people!

When I was thinking about that (which is arguably not actually as interesting as say a year old blog, or a 10 year old blog (of which I suspect there are not many)) I was reminded of an anniversary I missed last year that would have been much more exciting and worth a party. Last year I was 10,000 days old! If you are in the first half year of being 27, it may still not be too late for you - I forget exactly when it occurs, but you should be able to work it out with a calculator and a list of leap years. Or in your head if you're one of those who can do that sort of thing.

I was quite annoyed to have worked this out only a few weeks after the said date. But it was too late for me and my party. However, you have now all been pre-warned. Book your parties now. For anyone older than 27 and a half, there's always the 20,000th to look forward to. If you can hold on that long...

If there is anyone in the greeting card industry reading this, how about making 10,000th day-birthday cards? Theoretically they should sell as well as (say) 21st birthday cards, but won't take any revenue away from existing product lines. They could say things like "It's your 10,000th day-birthday! Have a great time!" or "Best wishes on your 10,000th day-birthday". And more expensive cards could have crappy plastic badges on them. If you are there, Mr Cardperson, please remember me and I'll take 10% of all revenue on these cards. Thank you very much.

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