Monday, February 16, 2004

Tropi-cool, Icy Icy

My mini desk move at work seems to have gone successfully over the weekend. I think I slightly preferred the old position - I had a better view of the Minster. I managed to get in early enough to claim my special big chair from the random desk it had migrated to, otherwise I would have sulked all day. We also now have our secretary sitting next to us rather than in a building half a mile away. That has to be a good thing.

There didn't seem to be any albums of note released today, which is always disappointing. Several good singles, though it was disappointing that The Fiery Furnaces new one was not amongst them. Tropi-cool, tropi-cool. Tropi-cool, Icy, icy. Genius. There were some new Belle & Sebastian songs (on the new B&S single oddly enough) so that made me happy. Not that I started the day feeling sad - as I said earlier, I had managed to retrieve my Big Chair. It has arms.

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