Friday, February 27, 2004

Harmonica Warning

It snowed again last night. So another slippy slidy day ahead. I can see a cat outside. He seems to be walking about fine. I wish I had the balance of a cat. Or maybe I just need claws or something.

If you are out in York this evening, you may be unlucky enough to hear the sound of a rusty harmonica (key of b flat) floating through the air. This will not be me, but it could well be near me. I apologise to everyone for this now. It's just that when someone said "Can I borrow a harmonica?", I forgot to say "No, I do not own such an instrument". Must learn that one...

We are doing a pub crawl this evening, notionally in fancy dress but with it being Friday night, quite busy, and we don't want to get beaten up, we are in very toned down fancy dress. So much so that you may not even realise it's there upon seeing us. The theme the organisers had originally chosen was Fairy Tales. However, this now seems to have migrated towards Dungeons & Dragons, so there will be various parties of adventurers getting a bit tipsy around what we're promised are "quiet pubs on Friday nights" (ie probably rubbish ones). If this is not the case, I'll correct it tomorrow. I am a Rogue. So I am dressed entirely (yes, entirely) in black. Sometimes I do that anyway. Sadly my thiefly plans for sneaking around in dark places could well be scuppered by the fact that everywhere is very White today.

The harmonica user is our bard. Don't see why he can't just use a lute like a normal bard.

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