Thursday, October 13, 2005

Someone get me a tissue

I'm always faintly annoyed at they way I let myself be emotionally manipulated by television programmes. Buffy used to make me cry on a regular basis. The ep of Lost I've just watched (s2e4) got me the same way. Pathetic.

Absolutely pathetic :-)


Chip said...

But have you ever cried at a film?

Probably unrelatedly, the Captcha word I'm forced to type in on this comment is geekkk. I'm not sure whether that's meant to be a nerd with a speech impediment, or an exclamation of enjoyment at a bunch of Deep South racists in white robes.

I have not watched ep4 yet, so no spoilers please!

Lint said...

Here's not so much a spoiler, more a teaser. Kate really gets (nearly) naked!

Chip said...

Aha! Think I see why you cried now - it's the "nearly," isn't it?