Sunday, October 30, 2005

Lee and Herring

I went to see the legendary comedian Stewart Lee tonight. Whilst I've been to many music gigs on my own, I think this was the first comedy gig I've been to alone. It was a similar experience, just with more chairs. I think the main reason for me being alone tonight was very bad planning. Live and learn...

Stewart used to work with Richard Herring. As Lee and Herring, they sounded slightly like Lee and Perrin, the Worcester sauce firm. [I'm often amazed by the sheer coincidences that lead to comedy duos having names that go together so well. Cannon and Ball. Little and Large. Hilter and Slatin. The list is almost without beginning.]

I've had the pleasure of seeing both of them perform live this year, in the same venue at separate times. Prior to this year I had only had pre-recorded exposure to them. Lest you be confused, it was them that was pre-recorded rather than myself. Never once did I sit alone in my bedsit after nine o'clock with a tape recorder and a packet of Supernoodles. Never once did I record a tape of myself enjoying said noodles and then send it to them in the hope that it would give them the same enjoyment that I had myself received. They had not had any pre-recorded exposure to myself in that way. And anyone who says they did is a nasty liar.


All in all, I enjoyed them both. Stewart (I nearly called him "Lee" their, but that sounds far too pretentious and journalistic) seems a little annoyed with the problems he had with the religious nuts due to his association with Jerry Springer: The Opera, but other than that is still very funny. His set took in the London Bombings, the IRA, a drunken walk home with Jesus, the death of the Pope, and Joe Pasquale. I feel that my final comma in that sentence was technically incorrect but necessary to avoid confusion over who had died. Joe Pasquale is still alive. Jesus died some years back. It's tempting to suggest that this might be a better world should those have been reversed.

Richard (Herring) on the other hand talked about the death of the Pope, molesting the girlfriend of a reviewer with a trout (a large one) and yoghurt. Lots of yoghurt.

It's hard to choose a winner.

It's also (sometimes) hard to be a woman. But you shouldn't believe everything a song tells you. If you are a woman then why not tomorrow find it EASY to be a woman instead. Go on. It's the first Monday of the rest of your life. Go for it.

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