Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Argos of sandwich shops

What occurred to me today was the following: York's sandwich shop, Krusties, is the Argos of sandwich shops. Let me briefly explain.

You go in and you choose your sandwich from the menu on the wall (Argos catalogue). Sometimes they have special sandwiches on a blackboard by the front door (special offer / sale mini catalogue). Then you order your chosen sandwich (electrical appliance) from the serving wench (serving wench). Then you wait for a bit and after some time your sandwich (electrical appliance) is brought out from the back room by a different serving wench (different serving wench). Then you leave and eat your sandwich (plug in your appliance).

See? Identical!

Without wishing to take the analogy too far, Krusties also has a special glass cabinet where they keep the special things. This is again just like Argos which has a special glass cabinet for the highly classy Elizabeth Duke jewellery.


1 comment:

Chip said...

Krusties don't have those little pens that never work, though.