Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Lost: S2 Spoiler Warnings!

I watched the final 15 episodes of season 1 of Lost over the last two days. Good show. I think I might have overdosed a little though because I dreamt most of season 2 last night. I hope it was only a dream because otherwise the whole show is going to get damn silly. Here are the (possible) highlights of the season:

1. At the bottom of the hatch is... a short corridor that leads outside to the bottom of a nearby cliff. Kate is first to descend into the hatch. Once at the bottom, she leaves the corridor and then shouts up to the others to show where she is. The others ascend a path down the cliff. A couple jump down because it's not very high.

2. Soon they find a car at the top of a waterfall. It's got a male adult and two children inside, all alive and trapped, but looking very ill and probably contagious. They are left in the car to die.

3. There's a river, and by it is a door. It leads into a hotel. Not a normal hotel but one of those ones where the corridors all loop back on themselves and whichever way you go you always end up back in reception. One of those ones that's completely deserted. One of those ones where you finally find a way out that leads into a strange town...

4 ... A strange town where the longer you spend it the smaller you get. You can get bigger again but I can't remember how. There was an evil man here that Sayeed wanted to kill. A man who once he got too small would wrap his whole body in some substance which would envelop him and make him bigger again. The man was either played by a famous actor or actually was the famous actor. I forget who it was, though.

5. Kate's clothes all fall off and she spends the entire series totally naked (ok, I didn't dream this one, I made it up just now. How unfair is that? I get to dream about children trapped in a car but not naked chicks?)

This might sound like mad ramblings. Well, you're just lucky that I didn't write this in the morning when it was fresher in my mind.

And if it comes to pass... you heard it here first.


Chip said...

You've watched 15 episodes of Lost and done some marking?

Also, I'm not sure "the final 15 episodes" is quite the right phrasing for a series with only 20 or so episodes!

Lint said...

25 episodes. Final 15 as opposed to the first 15.

Bertworld said...

Definitely thought the series got better over time, and set up nicely for a sequel. I liked the guy who blew up from the dynamite. You almost thought he would go at a different time. Its almost star trek like in that the person who you dont know gets it. Still didnt quite get the whispering in the forest or the polar bears but sure all will become clear.

Chip said...

I think what's happened is that they all died in the plane crash, and the island is their image of Purgatory. If they work together to help each other, and atone for their sins (hence all the past life stuff), then they'll be released to go to heaven. "The Others" (whisperers and the guys on the boat) are the representation of demons come to tempt them.

Not sure what Delenn's (can't remember her character's name!) got to do with anything - she might be someone who got "stuck" after she killed her baby.

Tim said...

The creator came out and said they are not in purgatory, and everyone on the island is alive.

Read here

Chip said...

OK, new theory. They're stuck in one of Lint's bizarre dreams. And Kate is naked for the whole second series.

Lint said...

I like Chip's idea.

Glad it's not purgatory though, that would have been way too obvious.

Bertworld said...

Having seen the first episode of series 2 last night can confirm no cliff, and Kate still had her clothes on. Will wait to see what happens to Kates clothes if the ratings start to drop!

Bertworld said...

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