Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Biscuits come and biscuits go: Nothing really changes

I haven't had any biscuits at home for ages, but I bought some at the weekend, on a whim. At first I wasn't used to having biscuits. I'd get peckish and feel like a little snack and then have a packet of crisps. Later I might realise that I could have had biscuits instead.

Now, a few days later I have got used to having biscuits. Earlier for example, I went to the kitchen and removed some biscuits from my cupboard without even thinking about the other snacks competing for my attention. Then I ate them whilst sitting on the sofa.

Now I have run out of biscuits. I've eaten all of them.

In other news, there is none. Nothing of interest has happened. Absolutely nothing. Nada.

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