Saturday, September 17, 2005

I Like Pies

Today was York's 3rd annual Pork Pie Festival at the Tap and Spile. Pork pies are a great food. I'm not sure whether other countries have them or not so for the uninitiated, pork pies are a combination of Meat, Pastry and Jelly:

Pork Pie Blackboard

Four English pounds buys a plate of pie:

Pork Pie 1

There are ten pies, numbered from one to ten. You eat them and then score them on a scale of one to three in the categories of meat, jelly, pastry and taste. There is therefore a maximum score of 12 to be had. I didn't eat all the plate of pies myself, I shared with a Welsh man. Our highest score was 8 out of 10, and our overall favourite pie was Pie #2. It was a good pie. Sadly I have no idea which butcher produced it.

All the pie was eaten. Yum.

Pork Pies 2


1 comment:

Bertworld said...

Did anyone eat all the pies?