Tuesday, June 28, 2005

What I did at the weekend

I was up in Edinburgh at the weekend for a party. It was cowboys and indians fancy dress - I changed my mind about my costume at the last minute and arranged for me and a friend to dress as cool wild west cats:

Clever Cats

It was a complete bastard to get inside the costumes though - so tight! I think some people that were there may have thought that instead I was the person dressed as me wearing a cowboy hat - but they were wrong! I fooled everyone. I was inside the cat costume all the time! Mind you, the chap dressed as me looked like he'd possibly had a couple too many tequilas (ie about half of one). I, as a cat, was fine though. Cheers for the party Jaq!

It was a lovely warm sunny day on the Sunday, and so perfect for a walk along the beach. You may not think of Edinburgh as a typical seaside town, and you'd be right not to. That doesn't mean you can't walk along the beach though!

So here I am doing just that. You can't tell what I'm thinking in this photo and neither can I, but I imagine it's something like "Ow, I'm going to have a stinking headache later" or possibly just "Where am I?". Or maybe it was more upbeat: "What a lovely day!" or even simply "Fantastic!". Photos just don't give you that level of mental detail. You can think of it as a caption competition if you want, but since it's not actually a very funny photo that might not be a brilliant idea.

The Firth of Forth

Later on, I went home.


Sarum said...

I think your words at the time were something along the lines of

"ishn't dish just bwilliant? Itsh just... urm.. just..you know... thingy"

Agent 31 said...

The cat suit is a stroke of brilliance, though I might wonder where you'd hide the zipper.

Lint said...

I'm not willing to divulge that information. Let's just say that I had to be very careful when doing it up.

Jaq said...

I think you were just trying to stop yourself from falling any further over in that photo.

Looks like you and the other person dressed as a cat are having a bit of a showdown.

Lint said...

Yeah - it's lucky cats don't use guns, or things coulda got messy.