Tuesday, June 07, 2005


There’s a story on the BBC website about the upcoming G8 summit. I’ll quote a few paragraphs from it:

“… Mr Blair recognises that he will not get support (from the US) for crucial parts of his three-pronged attack on poverty in Africa - a package of debt relief, increased aid and fairer trade.

“In an interview for the Financial Times newspaper on Tuesday, Mr Blair acknowledged: "There are certain things we know they are not going to do, that we are not asking them to do."

“Mr Bush has already opposed UK treasury chief Gordon Brown's plan to use an international finance facility (IFF) to fund vaccinations, funded by borrowing on the bond market, saying he cannot commit the US to future debt repayments.”

Yes, the US don’t want to commit to debt repayments. Does anyone else find this darkly amusing?

1 comment:

Sarum said...

He doesn't mind commiting to debt. He just doesn't like implying that some day he might actually pay it back.