Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Phone calls are like buses

I was chatting to someone at work today about how nobody ever phones me on my mobile phone. I walked away and went back to my desk, and literally a minute later I got a call. And then another one 10 minutes later (albeit from the same person). And then another one once I got home.

Tomorrow I plan to chat someone about how I don't have a girlfriend.

Although three would be excessive. Maybe I should be careful what I talk to people about. Perhaps there are special wishing people people out there who when you talk to them give you what you want. Like genies without the bottles and the obscure wish restriction rules.


Bertworld said...

I don't think 3 girlfriends is excessive .... if they last about as long as a phone call!

Lint said...

It would have to be a long phone call (at least five minutes), else I feel the relationships could be quite unsatisfying.