Thursday, November 11, 2004

Just some things

So, some things:

1. Why did nobody tell me that The Crimea put an album out about six months ago??? You gits. They topped my Festive 20 last year, so it's not like you didn't know I liked them. I bet you all have copies and have been laughing at me continuously ever since. Gits.

2. I don't own a car, but if I did, I'd consider a Honda because I really like their adverts. Today I got a free Honda "Hate something - Change something" bag in the post. It has that smell that you normally associate with inflatables. I have no idea what a Honda car looks like. Or even what colour they are.

3. Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road. Choices to be made. Or I could just wait and let things turn out however they turn out. And maybe lose an opportunity instead...

4. I got the DVD of series one and two of Big Train in the post yesterday. Although occasionally a bit hit and miss, there were some fantastic sketches in there (made all the better by Simon Pegg, Mark Heap et al being in most of them). Two I particularly remember as cracking me up: the one in an office where a new rule is brought in banning masturbation in the office; the one with the government minister who doesn't really understand scale models. Possibly they are funnier if you actually see them.

5. I'm looking forward to having some empty, free time soon. I intend to use it to stare into space, aimlessly for a while. Yum.


asyl076 said...

When faced with a fork in the road, I generally choose the spoon. It comes in handy for eating soup.

Lint said...

Sadly, the Into Your Arms cover will be unlikely to enter the twenty due to there being many, many, many better songs put out this year.