Tuesday, November 09, 2004

How to do 3D on the cheap

I developed a new way of seeing the world in 3D today, using commonly available objects. All you need is:
- 2 Clamshell style Camera Phones (they don’t need to be identical, but the camera does need to be behind the screen)
- Lots of sticky tape

Open up both phones, lay them on their sides and orient the two screens so that they are next to each other. Use tape to attach them together securely – don’t cover up the camera lenses too much though. Now, put both phones into camera mode.

If you hold the combined device up to your eyes and look at the left screen with your left eye and the right screen with your right eye, then you should be able to merge the two pictures in your brain and since they are being taken from slightly different angles, then they should merge into a fully 3D moving picture.

It’s just like actually being there,

You can walk around town, and you’ll experience the full 3D effect, as if you were actually walking around town. And you’ll look like that bloke of Star Trek.

If anyone has any venture capital to help me develop this idea, drop me an email with the subject line “Hey, you’re better than that Da Vinci bloke”.

1 comment:

Jimbobjo said...

Blogging from work eh? very naughty!